John and Linda Fordyce

My photo
We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wrist replacement and elbow correction surgery over!

Dear All,
I had a 5 hour surgery on Wed. and came home Friday. By today, I am so much better and the pain is well-maintained by the pain pills.
I am amazed that on day 2 I could rotate the new wrist and otherwise move it in all directions it hasn't been able to do since Oct. 2008. Of course it's limited motion to start with, but getting better daily.
There's a little fun to this surgery. The wrist replacement implant was just invented less than 2 years ago in Kentucky. When the manufacturers sent the implant to Little Rock Tuesday, they sent a representative with it. The rep. was not only in surgery with Dr. Husan and his team on Wednesday for me, but he was in a lab with Dr. Hasan and a whole bunch of doctors Tuesday guiding Dr. Hasan through implanting it in a cadaver. We prayed for me and prayed for the cadaver, etc. having fun with this. Counting the cadaver I am number 2 with this wristfor Dr. Hasan. My friend said "No 2 always tries harder! I'm remembering that as I do the twists, turns and rotations to get this new wrist moving. It works better every day. Dr. Hasan did a great job, it seems.
I am grateful to John, my family, my church and all the friends who have been praying for me.
Love to all, Linda

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Leaving for the surgery now!

Yep, the surgery is today. I'll have much to tell when I'm back awake. Nighty night. Thank you for your prayers. God is with us. John and I are on our way.