John and Linda Fordyce

My photo
We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tough get tougher

Monday marked the first workout day for Mom's right hand. I had no idea they have an entire space devoted to hands at UAMS. There, they have treatments and therapies for any type of hand injuries. Many other hand patients were there getting therapy.

None of us were aware that there was so much stiffness involved when a body part had not been used in so long. Mom's fingers are so stiff they must be forced to move the smalled bit. Her left hand is worse and it is just frozen in place and still very swollen. The therapist said the movements should have been started sooner than now. This arm is just going to have to wait for she still needs another surgery to repair the wrist and elbow where they are rotated. This can't be done and a cast can't be worn until her skin graft and elbow injury are healed sufficiently. In the mean time she is encouraged to keep moving those fingers, even the smallest amount.

The therapist, Mary, began yesterday by wrapping Mom's arm in warm towels to relax it and warm up the muscles. This felt good. Her therapist gave her several exercises which she is to perform 10 times each three times a day. These were such simple little moves that we can all do without effort but Mom really had to work hard to appear she had moved at all in some fingers. Even though she is using her right hand fingers each day, these moves are some that she does not make and take extra effort.

We are working on a routine for her to follow each day to ensure that she is doing her exercises. She began them in the kitchen this morning but sitting up and moving her head to read the instructions caused her neck and shoulders to strain and she became tired quickly. She was only there for a while and had to return to lie in her bed for a little nap.

Refreshed, this afternoon, and sitting in her newly remodeled den (where we have a fire in the fireplace on this cold day,) Mom has done her second round of exercises for today and we are so excited because she was able to touch her thumb to her ring finger and pinkie!

Uncle Jim came by yesterday to visit before his doctors appointment and is still here. The weather has us all snowed in together and we are enjoying visiting. I made some chicken noodle soup for lunch and we all ate a delicious dinner together with Dean thanks to Georgann Ozment and Suzanne Godwin. Thanks so much! There was plenty for all of us and it was delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear of the progress of Aunt Linda. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Aunt Linda and all the family. Keep up the good work Aunt Linda with all of your therapy, we know you can don't.
Ginger, Kris and Antonio