John and Linda Fordyce

My photo
We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Surgery went fine and patient is well

Linda's doctors operated on her elbow Friday (yesterday)morning and reported afterward that they removed all of the infected tissue and a very small portion of bone as well. There were no complications with the operation but there was indeed a bad infection all the way to her bone. Now she is in a new room at UAMS, rm 625 and they are changing her bandages twice a day until healing is well on it's way and infection is no longer an issue.

Dean reported that she is in a nice new room with a flat panel television and a brand new bed. The t.v. channels can be changed to whatever you want on this one, unlike the previous rooms where the remote only had one button and you had to go up in numbers and circle around to find your channel. This is such a luxury! ...and she mostly only watches CNN!

Apparently there is quite a hole in her elbow. They have medicated her with strong painkillers again and Dean said he was amazed by the large gauze ball that was removed when they changed her bandage this evening. This elbow had been a difficult spot all along. It is in such a location that she can't get off of it to let it breath or straighten her arm much at all. It has been in the dark at the bottom of the brace that supports her still broken arm all this time. Poor Mom, I'm so sorry she has to keep enduring so much pain and waiting for healing.

I hope everyone who reads this remembers her story whenever they consider a motorcycle or scooter ride. Make your kids and grandkids read it. Make them go visit the ER and ICU and ask those people what they see of cyclists accidents. I'm converted. As much fun as I know they are to ride, it's not worth it. I fell off my bike as a kid a couple of times (ouch) and that's enough for me.


Anonymous said...

We are glad that everything went well during the surgery. We hope that you have a speedy recovery Aunt Linda.
We love you
Ginger, Kris and Antonio

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know the surgery went well and that, at last, Linda can heal, especially her arm.

Don't forget to watch all the inauguration action all day Tuesday. It starts about 9am CST. I'll be watching. In the evening, I hope to see the Obamas dancing to Etta James' tune, "At Last" as sung by Beyonce (but dressed and singing like Etta James!). It should be sweet!

I know you are all looking forward to the day when Linda can say "At last!!!!" too, when she has healed from her many injuries.

Many blessings, prayers and hugs to you!
