I helped my mom dress in normal clothes for the first time since she drove off on her scooter that Wednesday morning of October 8th! She had two doctor's appointments with Xrays taken in between. She even got to eat out at a deli & coffee shop located in UAMS. She was out from 8am to 2pm today, and is exhausted and resting now.
Her first visit was with the phenomenal Dr. Yuen, the plastic surgeon who performed the skin graft and who has treated the WHOLE patient so well. She has a new dressing over the skin graft area with a larger wrap above her elbow and down toward the wrist, covered by a specially made splint that will protect her elbow better and prevent bending. He remarked today, that even though delaying the orthopedic surgery longer is not ideal because she is healing so well, she may have better recovery than they normally can predict. She is a very strong individual who has a great attitude and probably will do better than expected.
The Xrays were for the appointment with Dr. Ahmed, the neurosurgeon. The neck is healing well. She was told to keep wearing the neck brace another four weeks whenever she's up and around, to prevent sudden movements.
My flight schedule, for returning to Saipan, has changed. I will leave a day earlier. I depart on Tuesday morning. I will miss Mom and John. I wish I could stay longer, but I need to be with Thom, Garrett, and Brooke too. I'm grateful that the visiting home health aids will be able to see her three times a week, in addition to the visiting nurses. Dean will be available part-time. Also, several friends have offered to come over for short spells if John needs to go out for errands. And, Diane may come during the Christmas holiday. Mom is walking around better, but she is still off balance and it is so dangerous if she falls because she can't support her weight on her arms, so we like to follow her closely in case she needs some support.