The cast was removed from Linda's right arm today. She still needs to be very carefull with it and has a new slip-on support brace she needs to wear most of the time. This is good news! She will be able to get back to doing many more things for herself that she has needed help with, like checking her emails! I've been helping her keep her inbox from getting out of control but she still has around 300 or so that she'll need to go through.
We heard from Mindy that she arrived home to her family in Saipan. She missed them very much and I'm sure she is VERY glad to be back home. Thanks for coming and helping so much Mindy! You are a blessing to our mother and all of us.
John says everything is now is just routine and Mom continues to get stronger every day. She is enjoying moving around the house more and starting to get back into her life a little at a time. She is so grateful to be getting her hair washed with shampoo and water!
I plan to be in Little Rock from Sat until Thursday to help out wherever I can. --Diane
John and Linda Fordyce
- Linda
- We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday visit with Dean & Laine

Dean & his daughter, Laine, visited Nana today. Laine brought two of her friends, Brittany & Julie, who were very gracious and Mom sure did enjoy meeting them and seeing Laine & Dean.
I hope you can enjoy viewing this photo montage. We were playing around with my new computer that has a webcam to take these photographs. It was created using Office 2007, so I'm not sure that it can be viewed by everyone's system. That's why I posted some of them separately. If you have RealPlayer, it can definitely be viewed that way.
Mom is doing so well. John frequently escorts her around the house, and she's working hard at becoming more self-sufficient. It takes her a little longer, but she's so determined. She wants to try walking outside tomorrow. ~Mindy
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