John and Linda Fordyce

My photo
We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Food Fun

Flo Pullen we enjoyed discovering when we finished off your great vegetable casserole that the mystery/crispy topping was crumbled crackers! Were they Ritz or Cheese Crackers? Very good! We also loved your deviled eggs and baked apples and French bread. Thank you.
Thanks to Kay Luplow for helping John with his first dressing change since Dr. Yuen taught him to pack the open bone with medicated gauze and cover it with a paper thin square sheet of silver using sterile techniques. He works so steadily and calmly while hooking up my iv antibiotic, changing dressings and anything else needed. I didn't know silver has healing qualities until now.
Especially John and family and friends continue to amaze me. I am so grateful to be so blessed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another Surgery Next Monday

We were back to see Dr. Yuen today. He scheduled me to have surgery this coming Monday. He will cover the exposed bone on the elbow, where the skin grafts wouldn't grow, with a layer of the artificial skin, then cover the whole wound with skin from my abdomin this time. This all depends on no recurrant infection there by Monday.

We need your prayers for this.

John has been taught how to change my dressing daily until Monday. He's already transfusing my vancomycin daily. We stopped the cumidin today so they can operate. John has become such a good medic that I jokingly sometimes call him "Colonel Corpman Fordyce"!

Bob and Carolyn brought another delicious meal of pork tenderloin, scalloped potatoes, beans, etc. Thanks and love to you, Nelsons.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Catch Up and Review

Tuesday was my second return visit post-surgery to Dr.Yuen. Again they saw no sign of infection when they changed my dressing..... thank goodness. a small middle part is still not growing skin, but dr. Y is confident we're still moving forward. on the next surgery he can cover the skinless part with more artificial skin graft and use my skin to graft over that layer and the rest.

Later i met with Dr.Frear, the doctor in internal medicine who will be my primary doctor from now on at UAMS. i think he got a good grasp of everything and was very encouraging. Already he cut out 4 medications that were duplications or unnecessary and referred me to the cumidin clinic and sent me to the lab to test my cumidin and thyroid levels.

Kevin,.. my family practice doctor, in private practice, is good, but it was difficult for him to coordinate with the 6 or 7 doctors in the many services at uams who are all working my case. i suggested that at least until i'm healed from all of this, i get a primary doc at uams. you should have seen the relief on his face!! john or i had listed him as primary doc before each new doctor's visit, but he had not received one progress note. he first learned of my accident when i was discharged after more than 2 months and went in to get refills from him. He's supposed to have a number code to get into my records at uams, but hasn't been able to get it. now he won't have to.

Let me count the services who are working my case: trauma team, in ER, pulmonary, cardiac, (these first few may have only been for the first days or weeks. john said it was amazing how coordinated and competent they all were. I was kept in a coma those first 3 weeks, mercifully. john hardly left ICU all that time) orthopaedic, neurology, plastic surgery for skin grafts, vascular, internal medicine, infectous disease. I think that's enough!!!

I feel very good about having my Dr. Frear to keep everyone and everything straight for me and his positive attitude re. my recovery at this point just being a matter of time, as long as the infection stays away and he's confident i'm on the right dose and course of treatment.

john is now giving me the vancomycin every 18 hours or as indicated by the blood tests for 4 more weeks.

THANKS AND LOVE TO CAROLYN AND BOB NELSON FOR BRINGING THE WONDERFUL SHEPHERD'S PIE ..nothing tastes so good..and the yummy peach cobbler,unmatched, delivered like cute teenagers on their 45th anniversity on their way to Bruno's. Happy Anniversary Carolyn and Bob!!!!!...

flo Pullen, thank you for your beautiful casserole. we're having it tonight!

Love to All,


Monday, February 2, 2009

news from Linda

Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009

Dear all,
Itʼs me, still dragging and sleeping a lot, but Iʼm encouraged that my left leg has mostly stopped swelling. Also Iʼm still encouraged dr. yuen couldnʼt see any infection Tuesday.
Deno is well now and johnʼs back is slowly getting better.
My fingernails grew without breaking off for 4 months! Neither one of my hands can cut the nails on the other one. Johnʼs sister mary offered to take me to cousin rosaland lander knutson's great manicurist, johnda. When we arrived wed., rozzie had been in to take care of the cost for me! Such a thoughtful gift! Johnda did my pedicure but due to arm and back pain, I had to get mary to take me home before johnda could do my nails L the pain comes without warning or understanding like that. Dean brought me back on Thursday and I was having such a good day that I enjoyed watching johndaʼs amazing art work as she created my French tip manicure! J thank you, rozzie.
When home, dean stayed so john could get a slow careful walk to strengthen his back.
Saturday kay luplow came and helped me sort and wash laundry and john was able to go to the store and take a short walk. His walks have kept him going.
We have already missed thanking so many sweet friends bringing food, flowers or inspirational figures or books. I have realized it my be months before I can write notes, so I am trying to call and also thank folks in this blog. I want to add our love and gratitude to pat lile for countless and wonderfully thoughtful and tasty things she brought to the hospital and the house. Every time we return flo lullen,s dishes, she brings them back full with more goodies. Such great cooks, like mary louise Wilson, judy snowden, ben and georgann freisier, pat and ed matthews. Diane holt has sat with me so john could run errands and brought yummy food. Our thanks go on and on beyond our memories, Iʼm afraid. Just know we appreciate everyone and everything.
Monday they will test my blood for the vancomycin level. Then tues dr. yuen will change my dressing on the elbow skin graft. Please pray for the infection to still be gone.
Thank you for your prayers and for your love and all you do.
Linda and john