Dearest Mindy,
Thank you for letting us know. Sad news, but that decision took courage on Thom's part, and his selfless love for Garrett.. Many signs: broken radio, volcano threat, and the possibility of a severely infected toe. You showed strength and courage by seeking all the facts you could.and by trusting God and Thom. I'm proud of both of you.
My love to all of you,
John and Linda Fordyce
- Linda
- We are so blessed to have a great family and so many, many good, loving friends who are concerned and praying for Linda when she needs it. Thank you!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Garrett & Thom depart Pagan today.
Mindy writes:
Well, I prepared well, consulted scientists, government officials, former residents of Pagan, and others who had been there, and I was ready this morning before our 9am radio call, to give Thom the decision of whether to return based on the information I gathered. Also, I prayed, letting go and letting God. When Thom spoke to me on the radio this morning, he reported that they are coming back, so that decision was made easy for me. I wanted them to return for my peace of mind, but I also wanted their dreams to be realized in the adventure they planned, and I had resolved to just deal with it if they stayed on Pagan.
I spoke to a volcano scientist in Alaska this morning. It was confirmed that no seismic monitoring equipment is installed on Pagan. They are only able to monitor Mt. Pagan's volcanic activity through visual reporting by ships or aircraft who radio their observations or through satellite imagery (which is not visible at night or when clouds obfuscate the view). The scientist did not urge me to have them evacuate, but I was told that Pagan's volcano is considered to be "unstable" yet it is large enough that if their camp is kept some distance from the active area, they are "fairly safe" and this was confirmed by people who have been there. I was ready to feel better about them staying, but would want them to evacuate if the Alert level were to be elevated from Yellow/Advisory to Orange/Watch.
The reason they will return is not as much about the volcano. Garrett's ingrown toenail, which was fine before they left, decided to start festering and worsening during the voyage up to Pagan. They do have antibiotics and painkillers, but more importantly, the radio that they are using is unreliable. Not only is the antenna broken & temporarily fixed, the battery is failing to hold a charge for very long (charged by solar panels). In fact, our radio conversation faded out quickly; we had to standby while they recharged, then resume the call. This means that if Thom, Willie, and Garrett must call for help, they are at the mercy of an unreliable radio, thus they will reload the MV San Antonio at 1pm today (Sat.), and expect to return on Monday to Saipan, fishing Sat/Sun/Mon along the way. I'm making an appointment for Garrett at the clinic on Tuesday for his toenail. They will definitely develop their "sea legs."
By the way, very good news: the MV San Antonio's radio now works. I copied them loud & clear this morning, and they were able to read my transmission as well. They are in touch with EMO's base on Saipan. I feel much better about them being on the boat with a functioning radio.
The ocean looks just as calm today as when they left on Tuesday, and everyone tells me that April is the smoothest time of the year, the best for fishing and being out to sea because of the calm seas.
The adventure continues. I know Thom & Garrett have had an amazing experience and I can't wait to see their photographs and listen to their firsthand accounts, which we will share later.
Thanks for your prayers.~Mindy
Well, I prepared well, consulted scientists, government officials, former residents of Pagan, and others who had been there, and I was ready this morning before our 9am radio call, to give Thom the decision of whether to return based on the information I gathered. Also, I prayed, letting go and letting God. When Thom spoke to me on the radio this morning, he reported that they are coming back, so that decision was made easy for me. I wanted them to return for my peace of mind, but I also wanted their dreams to be realized in the adventure they planned, and I had resolved to just deal with it if they stayed on Pagan.
I spoke to a volcano scientist in Alaska this morning. It was confirmed that no seismic monitoring equipment is installed on Pagan. They are only able to monitor Mt. Pagan's volcanic activity through visual reporting by ships or aircraft who radio their observations or through satellite imagery (which is not visible at night or when clouds obfuscate the view). The scientist did not urge me to have them evacuate, but I was told that Pagan's volcano is considered to be "unstable" yet it is large enough that if their camp is kept some distance from the active area, they are "fairly safe" and this was confirmed by people who have been there. I was ready to feel better about them staying, but would want them to evacuate if the Alert level were to be elevated from Yellow/Advisory to Orange/Watch.
The reason they will return is not as much about the volcano. Garrett's ingrown toenail, which was fine before they left, decided to start festering and worsening during the voyage up to Pagan. They do have antibiotics and painkillers, but more importantly, the radio that they are using is unreliable. Not only is the antenna broken & temporarily fixed, the battery is failing to hold a charge for very long (charged by solar panels). In fact, our radio conversation faded out quickly; we had to standby while they recharged, then resume the call. This means that if Thom, Willie, and Garrett must call for help, they are at the mercy of an unreliable radio, thus they will reload the MV San Antonio at 1pm today (Sat.), and expect to return on Monday to Saipan, fishing Sat/Sun/Mon along the way. I'm making an appointment for Garrett at the clinic on Tuesday for his toenail. They will definitely develop their "sea legs."
By the way, very good news: the MV San Antonio's radio now works. I copied them loud & clear this morning, and they were able to read my transmission as well. They are in touch with EMO's base on Saipan. I feel much better about them being on the boat with a functioning radio.
The ocean looks just as calm today as when they left on Tuesday, and everyone tells me that April is the smoothest time of the year, the best for fishing and being out to sea because of the calm seas.
The adventure continues. I know Thom & Garrett have had an amazing experience and I can't wait to see their photographs and listen to their firsthand accounts, which we will share later.
Thanks for your prayers.~Mindy
Thursday, April 16, 2009
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE 2 OR THREE ENTREES ARE BEING SENT AFTER THOM AND GARRETT ARRIVED ON PAGAN. Please read down to before Tuesday April 7 so you won't miss all the news about their volcano... CNMI stands for The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands....Linda
Garrett's Voluntary Research Job Self-Description:
My Dad and I are going to Pagan on Sunday (U.S.). A few days ago, we went to the CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife and learned how to remove a fish’s ears and to document them for the scientists in the future. First you make a cut directly behind the skull with a knife. Then you rip the body and head away from each other and dig around in the head with tweezers looking for two pumpkin-seed sized bones. You also record the length from the lower jaw to the center of the tail. An optional procedure is to discover the gender. You cut from the butt in a half circle to the fin, then you find the privates and if it is white, it is a girl. If it is dark, it is a boy. We received a lot of Little Zip-Lock bags and matching note cards. We also record the area of the island we caught it on.
Here's Nana/Linda again:
Garrett will keep a research journal. The ear bones are saved because they tell how old the fish are. He will sketch each fish. He and Thom practiced fishing from the beaches a lot in the last months. This will help Fish and Wildlife track which fish are spawning and thriving in these waters.
Before the volcano started up, their main concerns were the centipedes, which have a bad sting, the wild hogs and the territorial bulls with their cows that free range there. They were told to avoid the pigs by staying off their game trails and that certain areas are safer than others from the bulls. Man!
They have hand-made their own cross bows, which would only kill something like the free range skinny chickens. Thom thinks he'll try boiling them for soup. Year round there, as in Saipan, they can pick luscious fruit like mangoes, bananas, coconuts, limes, lemons, papaya, guava, etc.
It's illegal to carry firearms or other weapons over a modest strength, so I
imagine they'll be carrying big sticks for staffs. Can't you just picture this?
The island has clear streams and even a sizable very hot spring. It's so hot, they would have to find a way to cool it down to bathe in it. Sounds like Paradise up to this disturbing volcano business. Like Mindy asked, please pray for God's help, and definitely more angels.
Now read down to hear all about this unexpected occurrence.
Love to all, Linda
Garrett's Voluntary Research Job Self-Description:
My Dad and I are going to Pagan on Sunday (U.S.). A few days ago, we went to the CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife and learned how to remove a fish’s ears and to document them for the scientists in the future. First you make a cut directly behind the skull with a knife. Then you rip the body and head away from each other and dig around in the head with tweezers looking for two pumpkin-seed sized bones. You also record the length from the lower jaw to the center of the tail. An optional procedure is to discover the gender. You cut from the butt in a half circle to the fin, then you find the privates and if it is white, it is a girl. If it is dark, it is a boy. We received a lot of Little Zip-Lock bags and matching note cards. We also record the area of the island we caught it on.
Here's Nana/Linda again:
Garrett will keep a research journal. The ear bones are saved because they tell how old the fish are. He will sketch each fish. He and Thom practiced fishing from the beaches a lot in the last months. This will help Fish and Wildlife track which fish are spawning and thriving in these waters.
Before the volcano started up, their main concerns were the centipedes, which have a bad sting, the wild hogs and the territorial bulls with their cows that free range there. They were told to avoid the pigs by staying off their game trails and that certain areas are safer than others from the bulls. Man!
They have hand-made their own cross bows, which would only kill something like the free range skinny chickens. Thom thinks he'll try boiling them for soup. Year round there, as in Saipan, they can pick luscious fruit like mangoes, bananas, coconuts, limes, lemons, papaya, guava, etc.
It's illegal to carry firearms or other weapons over a modest strength, so I
imagine they'll be carrying big sticks for staffs. Can't you just picture this?
The island has clear streams and even a sizable very hot spring. It's so hot, they would have to find a way to cool it down to bathe in it. Sounds like Paradise up to this disturbing volcano business. Like Mindy asked, please pray for God's help, and definitely more angels.
Now read down to hear all about this unexpected occurrence.
Love to all, Linda
The Day They Left For Pagan - April 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:46 PM
From: "Mindy Gipson"
To: "Linda Fordyce", "Diane Newcomb" , "Leslie Schoultz" , "Dean Garrett"
I'm praying that they arrive and return safely. They need Guardian Angels! Pray for them!
I'm sending the photos in batches in the next several emails, containing photos we took this weekend before Garrett & Thom departed for Pagan. Our camera had malfunctioned, so we bought a new one on Saturday. Thom took some photos with him (that are still in the new camera) that I also wanted to share, of the boat and crew just prior to departure, but when I turned on my laptop at the dock to download the photos, the laptop had some repairs to run because of an improper shutdown and would not allow me to override it. They had to go! They departed at 4:15pm on Tuesday, April 14. The seas are still calm, and the weather is nice. I'm praying that they arrive and return safely. They need Guardian Angels! Pray for them!
I absolutely broke down in tears as soon as their faces became unclear as they motored away. Brooke kept me calm. I didn't sleep too well last night.
From: "Mindy Gipson"
To: "Linda Fordyce"
I'm praying that they arrive and return safely. They need Guardian Angels! Pray for them!
I'm sending the photos in batches in the next several emails, containing photos we took this weekend before Garrett & Thom departed for Pagan. Our camera had malfunctioned, so we bought a new one on Saturday. Thom took some photos with him (that are still in the new camera) that I also wanted to share, of the boat and crew just prior to departure, but when I turned on my laptop at the dock to download the photos, the laptop had some repairs to run because of an improper shutdown and would not allow me to override it. They had to go! They departed at 4:15pm on Tuesday, April 14. The seas are still calm, and the weather is nice. I'm praying that they arrive and return safely. They need Guardian Angels! Pray for them!
I absolutely broke down in tears as soon as their faces became unclear as they motored away. Brooke kept me calm. I didn't sleep too well last night.
NASA has captured an image of the plume!

From Mindy: April 16, 2009
They have already witnessed and experienced the adventure of a lifetime! Why do they have to stay there two months!
I opened the link below and the one at the bottom, but couldn't copy and paste. You can probably open it,too.
I'm asking for lots more angels for them....Linda
Plume from Mount Pagan
download large image (283 KB, JPEG) acquired April 15, 2009
Mount Pagan—the northeastern member of a pair of volcanoes comprising a diminutive Pacific island—released a plume of ash and steam on April 15, 2009. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image the same day. In this image, the volcano releases a faint plume that blows toward the northwest over the Pacific Ocean. The plume appears darkest at its northwestern extremity. Closer to the summit, white puffs appear. They could be part of the plume or they could be clouds, which are prone to gather over summits.
Pagan Island is a pair of stratovolcanoes—conical volcanoes composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and rocks—connected by a narrow strip of land. Most of the historic eruptions on this island have occurred on the northeastern volcano. Pagan is part of the Mariana Islands and like its neighbors, results from rising magma as one tectonic plate moves over another. An astronaut photo from 2007 shows the island in more detail.
NASA image courtesy MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.
They have already witnessed and experienced the adventure of a lifetime! Why do they have to stay there two months!
I opened the link below and the one at the bottom, but couldn't copy and paste. You can probably open it,too.
I'm asking for lots more angels for them....Linda
Plume from Mount Pagan
download large image (283 KB, JPEG) acquired April 15, 2009
Mount Pagan—the northeastern member of a pair of volcanoes comprising a diminutive Pacific island—released a plume of ash and steam on April 15, 2009. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image the same day. In this image, the volcano releases a faint plume that blows toward the northwest over the Pacific Ocean. The plume appears darkest at its northwestern extremity. Closer to the summit, white puffs appear. They could be part of the plume or they could be clouds, which are prone to gather over summits.
Pagan Island is a pair of stratovolcanoes—conical volcanoes composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and rocks—connected by a narrow strip of land. Most of the historic eruptions on this island have occurred on the northeastern volcano. Pagan is part of the Mariana Islands and like its neighbors, results from rising magma as one tectonic plate moves over another. An astronaut photo from 2007 shows the island in more detail.
NASA image courtesy MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Mindy and I are a little nervous. We were glad when they finally got calm seas and after 24 hours in the Pacific, they arrived in Pagan last evening.
I am so behind in blogging and have much to add about their plans and prayers for this trip. I'll also catch you up on my progress, later.
But for now, we need your prayers for Garrett and Thom. I am copying the Volcano Report from today on Pagan.
Mindy believes the ship that sent the report may have been theirs. Yes, it was the MV San Antonio. I confirmed that by speaking to the CNMI Emergency Management Office.~Mindy The good news is that even when they had the big eruption in 1981, no one was killed, even though they evacuated the whole island then. The report below explains this. Please pray for them and Mindy and Brooke back on Saipan.
Much Love,
In the future I will only give the address and you can click on it yourselves.
USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS
Volcano Hazards Program
Volcanic Activity
VHP Home
Error opening /webdata/ check file permissions.
Northern Mariana Islands Recent Status Report, Updates, and Information Releases
Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:53 AM (Thursday, April 16, 2009 01:53 UTC)PAGAN VOLCANO (CAVW #0804-17=)18°7'48" N 145°48' E, Summit Elevation 1870 ft (570 m)Current Aviation Color Code: YELLOWCurrent Volcano Alert Level: ADVISORYLow-level steaming at Pagan continues. The Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center reported a narrow plume of unknown compositon extending 45 nautical miles (85 km) west from the volcano at 2130 Z April 15 (0730 ChST April 16). They reported the height of the plume to be 6,000 ft above sea level.Yesterday, CNMI Emergency Management Office (EMO) officials relayed a report from a ship that a white plume "with some black" was being emitted from the volcano to an estimated altitude of 1.8 km (5,700 ft)The USGS does not currently have monitoring instruments installed on Pagan. Monitoring is by satellite and ground observers.Access to the island may be restricted by the CNMI government. Contact the Emergency Management Office to get the latest information.CONTACT INFORMATION: Northern Marianas Duty Scientist (808) 967-8815CNMI Emergency Management Office (670) 322-8001
I am so behind in blogging and have much to add about their plans and prayers for this trip. I'll also catch you up on my progress, later.
But for now, we need your prayers for Garrett and Thom. I am copying the Volcano Report from today on Pagan.
Mindy believes the ship that sent the report may have been theirs. Yes, it was the MV San Antonio. I confirmed that by speaking to the CNMI Emergency Management Office.~Mindy The good news is that even when they had the big eruption in 1981, no one was killed, even though they evacuated the whole island then. The report below explains this. Please pray for them and Mindy and Brooke back on Saipan.
Much Love,
In the future I will only give the address and you can click on it yourselves.
USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS
Volcano Hazards Program
Volcanic Activity
VHP Home
Error opening /webdata/ check file permissions.
Northern Mariana Islands Recent Status Report, Updates, and Information Releases
Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:53 AM (Thursday, April 16, 2009 01:53 UTC)PAGAN VOLCANO (CAVW #0804-17=)18°7'48" N 145°48' E, Summit Elevation 1870 ft (570 m)Current Aviation Color Code: YELLOWCurrent Volcano Alert Level: ADVISORYLow-level steaming at Pagan continues. The Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center reported a narrow plume of unknown compositon extending 45 nautical miles (85 km) west from the volcano at 2130 Z April 15 (0730 ChST April 16). They reported the height of the plume to be 6,000 ft above sea level.Yesterday, CNMI Emergency Management Office (EMO) officials relayed a report from a ship that a white plume "with some black" was being emitted from the volcano to an estimated altitude of 1.8 km (5,700 ft)The USGS does not currently have monitoring instruments installed on Pagan. Monitoring is by satellite and ground observers.Access to the island may be restricted by the CNMI government. Contact the Emergency Management Office to get the latest information.CONTACT INFORMATION: Northern Marianas Duty Scientist (808) 967-8815CNMI Emergency Management Office (670) 322-8001
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