Mom was simply delighted while viewing these photos of this chimp's motherly interactions with two orphaned white tigers in South Carolina after Hurricane Hannah. See link for other photos:
It was a super busy Tuesday. I'm exhausted and my feet hurt! John & I were up since around 4am seeing Leslie off to the airport. I took the morning shift for the first time, and now I understand why some days John just falls asleep like a log even without supper! I'm going to start taking at least one or two mornings for him each week. Thankfully, he says it isn't this busy every day.
Everything tried to happen within the same couple of hours today: clarification about medication mixups and nurses not interpreting doctors' orders the same as they were explained to our patient--got that resolved; clearing up the discrepancies regarding the menu with the dietition; bathtime, which never really finished-was interrupted so many times; lunchtime-barely had time to eat; chest tube removal-finally! and a chest Xray that never happened (and a technician who just wouldn't wait her turn!), an ultrasound--she'll still need a better one with the bigger ultrasound machine later--gall stones not yet ruled out; skin graft dressing changing and a single staple removal-the last one-whew!; and, a thorough debriding of the dime-sized sore on the back of her head which we couldn't believe she didn't find painful!
There was a lot of stress today, but we survived and our patient is doing well. She really enjoyed the above pictures, and she also found time to read cards and receive some welcome visitors today.
Hello from Jim and Mauri in Nashville.
Brian just told me what happened and I'm very sorry to hear about your accident. Reading your blog, it's good to find that you're doing better and recovering well. You're a tough gal and I'm sure this isn't going to keep you down for long. This whole thing does bring up some questions... A Scooter?!? I know you're all for saving the environment and all, but that's almost too far. At least you were wearing a helmet. Maybe a hybrid might be a better idea. Brian said this was Karma for having me put a rock in his backpack ("What's another pound?"), but I know better. It's obvious that sometimes unfortunate events happen to the very best of people. I'm sure that the hospital is getting old, and you can't wait to get home and back to the hostel work. I've told everyone going to Little Rock to check on your progress with the hostel. It's a tremendous undertaking and everyone in Little Rock is fortunate to have you on the project.
I hope you continue to recover quickly and that we get an opportunity to see you again soon. Your enthusiasm, love for all, and graciousness are exactly what I see in Mauri. John is lucky to have you, but all of us know that already.
Know that there are lots of thoughts and prayers for you from Tennessee.
Glad to hear that she is progressing. We think of you daily Aunt Linda. Just to brighten up you and the family I have sent pictures of when Mindy was with us the summer (hope that you like them). My kids enjoyed Garrett, Brooke and Sam so much. Kris still talks about his cousins across the sea! We miss all of you. I'm sure that Aunt Linda enjoyed the picture of all her kids together---I know we did!
Ginger, Kris and Antonio
Aunt Linda just to let you know that Kris birthday is next Saturday and he will be 6. Remember when we met at Cracker Barrel last year-it was great to see you and John.
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