Wow! Doesn't she look great! Mom is so thrilled to have lost 30 pounds! She is expecting to lose a little more when the remainder of the swelling/water weight she still has is diminished.
Yesterday Mom and John got out for a couple of doctors appointments. She is moving around more and able to do more all the time. It takes all her energy and she gets to rest when she returns but she is feeling stronger each time. If we could just get that left arm to stop spazzing and giving her pain, she could say she felt perfectly peachy.
She had her left elbow looked at and the news there should be better but because she is always resting on that elbow, the skin graft that was done there has not healed as well or as fast as expected. They melted a little balloon into her arm brace to prevent her from having to place pressure on it all the time. Unfortunately, they said she may need another skin graft on that area to ensure that it is strong.
This means that the orthopedic corrections to her arm may be postponed even more. We hope not. Perhaps they can find a way to work it out. The best news is she was able to lift that left arm higher than ever before today and she was able to grip and hold a cup in her right hand today for the first since she started PT. Keep doing your exercises Mom!
I made it home just fine yesterday. We were on the phone with Mom on our way to see Matt perform in his Christmas program when we hit a deer. We are all fine but it really scared Matt. He was so shook up he was not up to performing in the show. We will have to find another opportunity to put him to work in his elf outfit.
Linda -- you look fabulous, dahling! It's great to see you and John out and about together. I imagine John is pleased to take his best gal Anywhere, even to the doctor's office! Keep up the good healing and positive outlook.
Cave Junction, Oregon
(where it's been snowing for a week!)
Don't think this method of losing 30 lbs is going to win any awards for being "painless".......but, girlfriend, You look great!!!!
Love Anne
Wow, so glad to se you up and around! I look forward to seeing you all in person, soon.
Love, Anne Fordyce
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